Wednesday 15 July 2009

Doggy Show


Dezi competed in a Dog Show on base.. my dog is awesome! She does like every trick in the book- plus some! She is the love of so many of our lives.. especially ours! But she is truly just like a grandchild to our parents.. and special to everyone in our family... Dezi is awesome. I love my dog!! Plus, she obeys sooo well! It was very nice having her here when Nate was gone!!!


This was one of the first nights after mom and Britt got here.. Remember Nate only arrived 2 days before they did.. so this was a very enjoyable meal for him! :) He is so darn cute!




One of the days during the second week mom and BT where here, we navigated to Shimoda to hit up some markets and the mall. Most of the time I just pay the 350Y and take the toll- but since I had them with me, I chose to navigate the backroads.. we had a lot of fun. We found more markets and some shrines! Of course we stopped to take pictures. We only took over 700ish pictures while they were here! :)




With them here, we navigated to SOOOOO many places! It was awesome because we would just drive and drive and stop at interesting places!! :) What a great time we had.. but it went WAY to fast!!!

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