Tuesday 18 October 2011

Is there a correlation between the two?

I love owning our own home. Well technically the bank owns it.. but I love the feeling of this being my home. I wish we could uproot this home and take it with us when we eventually end up in Texas ... wishful thinking on both parts. Owning our dream home has helped me keep our home cleaner... perhaps it has something to do with my being home all day as well. In the past two weeks I have felt like the house is dirty no matter what. I love the feeling of a clean house and I tend to do pretty well although I have kids in my house all day!

So.. my mind is thinking today. I haven't felt order in my house for about a week. My kitchen needed a deep cleaning that I was lacking motivation to do! EEEk! :) I did it today. I feel great. The boys went down for a super long nap, still down... and I got my kitchen in order. From the counter tops to the microwave, stove, and fridge. All I have left to do is mop and clean my cabinets! I feel in order! All bills are paid... I have (most) bills set up on auto pay. This may not seem like a big deal to most.. but going with no bills for the past three years to the bills we have with owning a home- I keep forgetting some bill.. and I certainly do not like paying a bill late. My home and financial area is finally in order. I took the time to do it.

My spiritual life. Do you feel like when your not in order with things in your life that your spiritual well being is not in order! MAN, I DO! But as easy as I can keep the clutter from my home I need to learn to do that in my spiritual life as well.There are so many things that clutter my spiritual life.. but the Lord has shown me lately how to work on this.. and I am!

So my question is.. is there a correlation between having disarray in your your home and spiritual life and having order in both? Do you find yourself crazy spiritually when your personal life is crazy!? I do!

I am learning to take it slowly .. all of it. Enjoy the wonders of my life and the wonders of my Creator.

Ah, life! I love my life.


  1. I always feel that if I am lacking in self control in any area, it reflects back to my spiritual life.


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